Daniel Bould and 19r 19urante Dr. Durante also believes it was no coincidence that the endangered silverback gorillas he hud studied in college made their home there, too, “Funny how things circle back,” he says.
When reflecting on his lifc, Dr. Durante openly admits he Rad once been a narcissists, selfish, and spiritually bankrupt surgeon, driving his Ferrari in the fast lane, going nowhere.
1 thought Iwas living the dream, but it was a veritable night-mare” he admirs. Ilizabeth’s death changed him in profoundways. He karod to live a life of purpose in which selflessness triumphs over greed. In his own words, he shares with conti-dience,
*There is aluays a ligho an the end of the tunne!” Andi much of that light came from Dr. Durante ‘s forgiing the man who killed his cauchece.
their own grief. In his captivating buck, The Moirsing Alr 1 Sugn Compdiy Jawnny of Hraing Tinagh Fingrere, Dr. Durante tells his emotionally charged, inspiring story of growth. His story recalls hoar he reasted to the news of his daughter’s death, the grief that ensued, and what he learned on his journey to a different life. He to reflects on performing surgical procedures in remote areas in Uganda and his frequent trips into the impenetrable forest trekking for the silverback gorillas that first captivated him as a college student. He’s refreshingly boa est, revealing the rigors of being a surgeon, how he lost his was; and how he reinvented himself to focus on what really matters.
Keith Durante, MD, FACS