microsurgery hair transplant long island nyc

Do's and Don'ts after a Microsurgery Hair Transplant

Microsurgery hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular in Long Island, NYC due to their effectiveness in restoring hair growth and their minimally invasive nature. However, the success of a hair transplant largely depends on the post-operative care you take. Following the right guidelines will ensure the best results and minimize any complications. Here are some essential do’s and don’ts to follow after undergoing a microsurgery hair transplant.


1. Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions

Affect Healing: Smoking and alcohol consumption can impede blood flow and delay the healing process, affecting the overall outcome of the transplant.

2. Keep the Scalp Clean

Gentle Washing: Typically, you can wash your hair a few days after the surgery. Use a mild shampoo and avoid rubbing the scalp. Instead, gently pour water over the area. Use Sterile Solutions: Some surgeons recommend using sterile saline solutions to keep the transplanted area clean.

3. Sleep with Your Head Elevated

Reduce Swelling: Keeping your head elevated while sleeping, using pillows or a recliner, can help reduce swelling in the initial days post-surgery.

4. Stay Hydrated and Eat Nutritiously

Promote Healing: Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and proteins will support the healing process and overall health of your hair.

5. Be Gentle with Your Scalp

Avoid Touching: Refrain from scratching or touching the transplanted area to prevent infections and dislodging grafts.
Use Gentle Hair Products: Switch to mild shampoos and avoid any products with harsh chemicals that can irritate the scalp.

6. Protect Your Scalp from Sun Exposure

Wear a Hat: Protect your scalp from direct sunlight for at least a few weeks. UV rays can damage the transplanted grafts and impede healing.

7. Engage in Light Activities

Stay Active: Light physical activities such as walking can boost blood circulation and aid in recovery. Avoid strenuous activities initially as they can increase blood flow to the scalp and cause complications.


1. Don’t Smoke or Consume Alcohol

Affect Healing: Smoking and alcohol consumption can impede blood flow and delay the healing process, affecting the overall outcome of the transplant.

2. Avoid Intense Physical Activities

Prevent Sweating: Strenuous exercises and heavy lifting can lead to excessive sweating, which can increase the risk of infection and damage the grafts.

Avoid Contact Sports: Stay away from sports that can result in direct trauma to the scalp for at least a month.

3. Sleep with Your Head Elevated

Reduce Swelling: Keeping your head elevated while sleeping, using pillows or a recliner, can help reduce swelling in the initial days post-surgery.

4. Stay Hydrated and Eat Nutritiously

Promote Healing: Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and proteins will support the healing process and overall health of your hair.

5. Be Gentle with Your Scalp

Avoid Touching: Refrain from scratching or touching the transplanted area to prevent infections and dislodging grafts.

Use Gentle Hair Products: Switch to mild shampoos and avoid any products with harsh chemicals that can irritate the scalp.

6. Protect Your Scalp from Sun Exposure

Wear a Hat: Protect your scalp from direct sunlight for at least a few weeks. UV rays can damage the transplanted grafts and impede healing.

7. Engage in Light Activities

Stay Active: Light physical activities such as walking can boost blood circulation and aid in recovery. Avoid strenuous activities initially as they can increase blood flow to the scalp and cause complications.


1. Don’t Smoke or Consume Alcohol

Affect Healing: Smoking and alcohol consumption can impede blood flow and delay the healing process, affecting the overall outcome of the transplant.

2. Avoid Intense Physical Activities

Prevent Sweating: Strenuous exercises and heavy lifting can lead to excessive sweating, which can increase the risk of infection and damage the grafts. Avoid Contact Sports: Stay away from sports that can result in direct trauma to the scalp for at least a month.

3. Don’t Pick or Scratch the Scalp

Prevent Graft Dislodgement: Picking at scabs or scratching the scalp can dislodge the grafts and lead to infections.

4. Refrain from Using Hair Styling Products

Avoid Chemicals: Hair sprays, gels, and dyes contain chemicals that can irritate the sensitive scalp and interfere with the healing process.

5. Avoid Swimming

Stay Away from Chlorinated Water: Swimming pools contain chlorine, which can irritate the scalp and affect the healing grafts. It’s best to avoid swimming for at least a month post-surgery.

6. Don’t Wear Tight Hats or Helmets

Pressure on Grafts: Tight headwear can put pressure on the transplanted grafts and interfere with their proper settling and growth.

7. Avoid Direct Sun Exposure

Protect Your Scalp: Sunburn can severely damage the healing scalp and newly transplanted hair. Always wear a hat or use sunscreen on your scalp when going outside.

8. Don’t Neglect Mental Health

Manage Stress: Stress can negatively impact overall health, including hair growth. Engage in activities that help manage stress, such as meditation or light exercise.

Long-term Care Tips

1. Regular Scalp Care

Keep it Clean: Maintain a regular scalp cleaning routine with gentle shampoos to prevent infections and promote healthy hair growth.

Moisturize: Use scalp moisturizers recommended by your surgeon to keep the area hydrated.

2. Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Balanced Diet: Continue consuming a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins to support hair growth.

Stay Hydrated: Drink adequate water daily to keep your scalp hydrated.

3. Avoid Hair Treatments

Minimize Chemical Exposure: Reduce the use of hair dyes, perming, and other chemical treatments to avoid damaging the new hair.

4. Regular Check-ups

Monitor Progress: Regular visits to your surgeon will help track the progress of hair growth and address any issues promptly.

5. Patience is Key

Hair Growth Timeline: Understand that hair growth is a gradual process. It may take several months for the new hair to grow and show significant results. Be patient and follow your surgeon’s advice throughout this period.


A microsurgery hair transplant can be a life-changing procedure, offering a permanent solution to hair loss. However, the success of the transplant significantly depends on how well you follow the post-operative care guidelines. Adhering to the do’s and avoiding the don’ts will ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results. Always keep in touch with your surgeon and report any unusual symptoms immediately. By taking the right steps, you can enjoy a full head of hair and the confidence that comes with it.